Re-Launch of My-Domains


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My-Domains will become generally available on June 13, 2024. Starting from this date, anyone can register my-domains.

These domains are particularly interesting for companies exporting to Malaysia or those with a business presence there. The relaunch of my-domains includes the following phases:

  • Sunrise B: For trademark holders until June 13, 2024
  • Early Access Period: From June 13 to June 20. Similar to a "Dutch Auction," the access fee decreases daily. Interested parties should contact
  • Global General Availability: Begins on June 20, 2024

It is much more cost-effective to attract customers in Malaysia through a My-Domain than by setting up a physical branch. A My-Domain allows businesses to establish a local online presence without the high costs and bureaucratic hurdles associated with opening a branch office. These costs include rent, staffing, administration, and legal requirements, all of which require significant investment.

With a My-Domain, companies can tailor their products and services directly to the Malaysian market and target local customers more effectively, leading to improved customer loyalty and higher sales. Moreover, a My-Domain signals to Malaysian customers that the company has a local presence, thereby increasing their trust in the business.
Current Opportunities for Registering My-Domains

Recent changes in the policies for registering My-Domains offer new opportunities for companies worldwide. Previously, the registration requirements were very restrictive, largely excluding applicants outside of Malaysia.
With the lifting of these restrictions, international companies can now register My-Domains and secure their brand or business name in this growing market. This is similar to the introduction of a new domain extension, where early adoption can provide significant competitive advantages.

Companies now have the opportunity to establish their online presence in Malaysia, protect their brand, and gain a strategic advantage by creating a local digital identity that enhances customer trust and facilitates market entry.
The economic relationship between India and Malaysia is strong and has continuously developed over the years. Both countries maintain extensive trade and investment relationships that are reflected in various economic sectors. Here are some key aspects of the economic relationship:
  1. Trade:
    • Bilateral trade between India and Malaysia covers a wide range of goods and services. India mainly exports machinery, chemicals, food products, and metals to Malaysia. In return, Malaysia exports mainly electronics, palm oil, petroleum products, and chemicals to India.
    • Malaysia is one of India's major trading partners within ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations).
  2. Investments:
    • Malaysian companies have significantly invested in various sectors in India in recent years, including construction, infrastructure, telecommunications, and energy.
    • Similarly, Indian companies have invested in Malaysia, particularly in the fields of IT, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, and the automotive industry.
  3. Economic Agreements:
    • Both countries have signed various agreements to promote economic cooperation. This includes the Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement (CECA), which came into effect in 2011 and aims to enhance trade and investment between the two countries.
    • India and Malaysia are also members of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which promotes economic integration within the Asia-Pacific region.
  4. Tourism and Education:
    • Tourism is another important area of economic relationship. Malaysia is a popular destination for Indian tourists, and conversely, many Malaysians visit India.
    • There is also cooperation in the education sector, with many Malaysian students studying in India and Indian educational institutions forming partnerships with Malaysian universities.
The economic relationship between India and Malaysia is characterized by strong trade dynamics and mutual investments. Both countries benefit from this relationship, which is further strengthened through strategic partnerships and economic agreements.

Hans-Peter Oswald


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