Any way past SEO?


I think this whole SEO thing has aged me prematurely! I spend so much time working on that to see such little results, it's very discouraging. Does anyone know if there are other ways to go around this? I know money talks but there must be easier ways of reaching my audience without spending 10 hours a day writing and promoting content. Thoughts?
The whole SEO concept has never been easy for me as well but I see guys who never struggle with this. Have you tried to search online for SEO tips before? I have a friend who trains for free and from what I've heard, this helps a lot of people.
No disrespect intended, but I don't think SEO is the problem here. You seem to be putting too much focus and time into this. Start looking into how often you should update content and look into what you can do to make evergreen content.

Spending 10 hours a day on content only sounds excessive.
If you are spending ten hours a day writing and promoting content, are you throwing out too much too quickly? If your content churn rate is too high, some search engines will penalise it, since each article isn't getting a lot of time at the top so, not a lot of high traffic (the joy of bounce rates). Is it worth using a timing system so you can schedule new content releases and their promotional campaigns? It might help you use your time more effectively.
Those all sound like valid points, but it seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. I thought that the more content you produced then the better your chances of ranking for at least some articles. Am I wrong?
Those all sound like valid points, but it seems a bit counter-intuitive to me. I thought that the more content you produced then the better your chances of ranking for at least some articles. Am I wrong?
SEO isn't the only thing that affects ranking. How much traffic your site gets and whether the traffic sticks around and goes to another article also affects it. If it hits one page, stays briefly and leaves the site, that's called a bounce rate, and some search engines may penalise you for it. Cross-linking your articles to keep people on the site can really help.
The more I read about SEO the more confused I become. Tell me, isn't there a way for my site to be successful without SEO? It seems very much 'hit and miss' to me no matter how you look at it.


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