How to Find Free Images for Website


New Member
Michael VanDeMar offers some great tips on how to find public domain images and creative commons images.

Sometimes I use Wikimedia Commons to find images, but it can be limited for choice. I'll try out Michael VanDeMar's suggestions on how to find such other free images.

If you can't find what you want for free, then I've used to buy some great photos.

Where do you get your images from?
You can now find creative commons images via Yahoo

Go to:
- Images
- Options
- Advanced Search
- Creative Common License

Currently, Yahoo is only pulling results from Flickr. However, I'm guessing Yahoo will eventually include other sources.

I can only see this feature on right now (ie not on Yahoo Canada or Yahoo India etc). I expect this will change.
I've used istock photo when I have to buy something. Most times I make the images or take the photos myself. Sometimes I've had luck with creative commons as well.

Good thread. Would like to see if there are other ideas out there.

A great site to consider is or Stock Exchange. They have restrictions on use but for many purposes the images would be free of charge.
The major problem with free images is they come with providers watermark and you can not use them without marks, that is why i prefer buying an image for copyright purposes.


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