Marketo donates $10,000 to Project Pinball to thank the guy who saved their domain name


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On Tuesday, the wildly popular marketing automation software company Marketo (which was acquired for close to $1.8B last year) accidentally let their domain name,, expire. While you might not use Marketo every day, imagine if a core app that you did use every day suddenly stopped working…so you went to their website and it didn’t exist.

Scary town.

While you might think that someone hacked the marketing giant, this actually is a good old fashioned case of someone just accidentally forgetting to renew the domain name at the core of the multi-billion dollar company. I think a lot of big companies would be so embarrassed to have something like this happen to them that they’d cover it up but the CEO actually did the best thing you can do in the situation.

Marketo was also pretty lucky because a nice guy named Travis Pebble who bought the domain off a drop and gave it back to the company.

Today Steve Lucas, the CEO of Marketo announced that they will be giving $10,000 to Project Pinball, a non-profit that puts pinball machines in Children’s Hospitals.



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