Interesting Facts about India


New Member
Total Population -> 1,166,079,217 (2009 est) [1]
Age Structure -> 0-14 = 31.1% ; 15-64 = 63.6%; >65 = 5.3% [1]
Urban Population -> 28% of Population [2]
Adult Literacy Rate -> 66% (2007 est) [3]
Youth Literacy Rate -> 82% (2007 est) [3]
English Speakers as per 2001 Census -> 10.66% of population (100M) [4]
English Users (Latest Estimates) -> 33% of Population (350M) [5] [6]
* Users are defined as people that can read but cannot understand spoken English or Converse in English
Economic Indicators
GDP (PPP) -> $3.3 Trillion (4th in the world) [7]
GDP (PPP) per Capita -> $2,780 (130th in the World) [8] * the distribution of wealth is so skewed in India that this number looks really bad. If someone has data on what the middle class (~300 million folks) makes, it would be am interesting number I bet.
Technology Indicators
Internet Penetration as of Nov/08 per ITU-> 81M (7%) [10]
Broadband Penetration as of Jun/09 per TRAI ->5.3M (<1%) [10]
Venture Capital Indicators
Investment by VCs July to Sept Qtr -> US$77M [11]
Number of deals by VCs July to Sept Qtr -> 17 [11]

Broadband Penetration (5.3 million) is one of the interesting numbers. We would hope to see that number go way up in the next 5- 10 years.

China, I believe has around 60 million broadband users right now.

India could reach that number in 10 yrs, I would imagine.

This should be an interesting ride..


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