Google's Latest CAPTCHA


New Member
I'm sure many of you have come across CAPTCHAs before, which help protect websites from that dreaded word...spam. Such programs help determine whether a user is a human or a bot.

I just read that Google has acquired reCAPTCHA, the company that provides such a visual verification program. I wonder if we'll soon see improvements.

So we'll be applying the technology within Google not only to increase fraud and spam protection for Google products but also to improve our books and newspaper scanning process.

Often I have problems reading letters on CAPTCHA-style systems... but hey, I usually pass the math questions (like what's 1 plus 3?). ;) How about you?
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I some times fail the math test like I always do ;-)

I wonder why bots cannot do the math as the text displayed is always shown in simple and straight format and not like a CAPTCHA.


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