Domain Name Values


New Member
Do you guys remember what happened to domain name values when the internet bubble burst during the end of the 90's? Will the same happen during the current financial crisis?
I wasn't around then. As domainerin says, it is already happening. Domain values are down a lot over the last year, and there is a lot less liquidity in the market.

I don't think the slump will be as bad as back then though, because back then there wasn't really a way to make money on the internet and now there are proven business models for internet business.

Plus, a lot of today's most successful domainers got their start back then by buying up cheap domains that no one else wanted any more. Hopefully domainers of today who make it through the current slump will be just as successful.
I believe the prices are a bit down among domainers, but for end users it doesn't seem to be going down, sales reports show that good domains keep selling for high prices, but i think domains will keep growing in value, internet is still in its begining
True - the price declines are mostly between domainers, end user sale values seem to be holding steady, but aren't as common as they used to be.

Yes, it's early days still :D
So the trade value seems to be down. That must have hit a lot of domainers as I know a lot of people who invested a great deal in domains about 2 to 3 years ago. What for example is the average price for a


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