Corporal punishment.


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For tiny tots nothing could be as bad as corporal punishment.It is good that laws are strict and no one can touch these little ones.Isn't it true?
I went to school in London, England, and remember that the headmaster at my primary school used to use the cane. I think it?s horrifying.

I find it disturbing to see parents in today's society physically punish their children - it teaches them that violence is acceptable. There are so many other ways to discipline without having to use physical force. I know I will never use physical punishment against my son in a million years!
I saw this lady pull her kid off the ground by his ear. I just wish I had the guts at that point to stand up to her. I do now.
I was brought up with physical punishment at school and at home, it was acceptable and the done thing to do, now I try to use words to punish,it's not always successful so I will raise my voice, I don't like hitting or seen hitting but I am guessing that people who do this have it instilled into them from an early age and believe it to be acceptable.
I was brought up without physical punishment at school and at home. I love my parents more than all people on the planet and I shall never use the physical punishment to my future children.


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