CCTLD with the most potential?
I find India lagging at only 16% votes, while Columbia is at the top with 24%.

But the reason is not something difficult to understand.

Actually .co has more value because a lot of people mistype a .com for a .co
This way .co gets a lot of type-in traffic, which was actually meant for .com

.in does not has any such privilege.
But when it comes to finding the actual value or actual end-users for a domain, .IN will be way ahead of any other ccTLD in future, except already established ccTLD like .cn or .de
Looks like .co ended up winning, with .in in second place.

.co has a lot of similarities to .cm, which doesn't seem to be working out too well, although in the initial landrush auctions, .cm had some pretty amazing results.

Also, there were no .idn domains listed - I would think the idn cctlds for China and Russia will do very well.
I think .in for the following reasons:
1) India's huge population
2) The Internet's de facto language, English, is one of the India's official languages
3) .in can have a number of meanings (information, international, etc.).
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