50P.in , 25P.in

Any goods worth 50 paisa , 25 paisa like mobile call per minute...all services for 50 p can be provided with the help of these domains...just a thought..

Agree with Ace. I can't see an enduser willing to pay much of a premium for these.
Hi Jeff and Ace ,

Thanks for the inputs , then i need to chalk out of the plan of action for these domains . Might be in near future ( next 3 years) , lots of services in india will come for 50 P , especially mobile , internet usage ..etc....

will try to get the registration fee + development fee for this year = 70 Bucks..

thanks Iphone3G, good suggestion ..i thought it will works earlier , but understood later, the parking revenue is decent , i made around 3 bucks on this one... lets hope will make another 3 before me getting started ..

