Geotargeting .in ?
Only 4 ccTLDs (.co, .me, .cc, .tv) are considered by Google like gTLDs, because that's their main use, unlike most ccTLDs (including all major ones like .in), which are strong in their respective home countries.
So basically .in's are only useful for business in India. In fact if you have international business it would be foolish to use a .in because the traffic would only be aimed to India.

Seem that if Google would change this, it would increase the value of .in

What do you think? It is possible to rank a .in well outside of India?

Also how did .co, .me, .cc, .tv manage to do that? And why not .in?
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It's not a negative thing that Google doesn't consider .in an "international ccTLD", because, as I said, it means it's strong in its home country and people appreciate it as their own ccTLD (like it happens with all major ccTLDs). However, there's a small group of countries that, for various reasons, found that it would be financially much more convenient for them if their ccTLDs were released to the world rather than being used as their national extension. For these TLDs (the ones I mentioned above), Google makes an exception by allowing owners to set geotargeting.

While .in registration is open to anyone and many have tried to brand it as "INternet" or "INformation", its main (and real) meaning is by far the most important one and I like this very much.
It's not a negative thing that Google doesn't consider .in an "international ccTLD"
It's negative if you are in Europe or another country and have no interest in promoting your business in India. People simply won't find your web site unless they using at least not so easily.

In other words if you had bread shop in France, you'd be better off using even if you had something like or even even though they are much better key words. Would you agree?
The fact that Google doesn't permit geotargeting for .in and other ccTLDs doesn't mean it's impossible to rank them well outside their original countries. It's certainly more difficult and requires more work, but it can be done, absolutely. For example, if you want to rank an .IN for french audience, you should start by selecting a hosting server whose IP is in France, filling the website with unique and optimized content (obviously written in French) and getting an important number of backlinks from websites that have similar features (similar topic, french content and IP).
Okay given your example, why would the French company chose a .in extension and not .fr or .com, if it just going to make things more difficult for them?
Okay given your example, why would the French company chose a .in extension and not .fr or .com, if it just going to make things more difficult for them?
I get your point, but like all businesses, every owner makes their own decision: one could like because it makes a great brand, while another might prefer sticking to the usual TLDs.
Nice, I bought a domain
Should I sell it ? It has high demand for website.
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The fact that Google doesn't permit geotargeting for .in and other ccTLDs doesn't mean it's impossible to rank them well outside their original countries. It's certainly more difficult and requires more work, but it can be done, absolutely.

A couple of examples would be: - its current Alexa ranking in the UK is 7,193 - its current Alexa ranking in the U.S. is 17,078
Both are domains hacks and not particularly impressive sites.
.in's are meant for
1) Domestic business in India looking to attract local business.
2) Anyone who wants an interesting domain hack
3) Anyone who wants an interesting keyword

In a strange way .in can be used as a keyword but this only works if most of the other domains are owned by the same person or there is little content on the other domains. Otherwise they are worthless as keywords outside of India at least in my experience. Even in India they may not be that powerful since Indian users want to find a variety of sites from around the world and search are filled with .com .net etc..

Now if we could change this practice of google's geotargeting, .in's would skyrocket in value over night!


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