Free Traffic Tips
I don't understand how creating blogs at wordpress or blogger and write articles there with links to your site (the one you are promoting) would work, because even if those sites are considered "good" they won't have any kind of traffic since no one knows them (because you have just created them) so you won't be getting any kind of traffic from them.

Am I missing something there?
True, no one may see your posts in Wordpress or Blogger or Tumblr. However, the search bots can see them. It's their job. They are designed to do that. The search bots will scour the Web and follow any links on the sites they visit. When they find that there are many sites which link back to your site, they think that there is something of value on your site. That's how it works.

By the way, while doing a bit of research to answer another question on this forum, I found that Pinterest has got PR 9. This is a very high ranking. It's not difficult to create links from Pinterest to your site. Just post some images which link back to your site. I am going to work on that now.
@Aree Wongwanlee I didn't think about that, now it all makes sense. So basically the method consists on creating blog posts on Wordpress or Blogger and waiting for robots to crawl those sites and find the links pointing to the real one. Now I think it's genius! I'll definitely use that strategy for my own sites.
@bosconian , while you are about it, why not go whole hog? Besides Wordpress and Blogger, you can also use Tumblr and Pinterest. Those are also popular sites. Popular sites add some value to the link back to your site. If a link comes from a popular site, the search bots think that it's a good reference. If a link comes from an unknown site, the search bots don't put that much value to it. If you can get a link from a dot edu site, that would be great. It's not that difficult to get a link from a dot edu site. You can register for Then post a research paper there with a link back to your site.
Pretty interesting your debate, it seems like you are talking a different language though, I guess we need to have sites to know exactly what's going on there.
Someone once asked me how to write a research paper. The answer I gave him off-hand was to ask Uncle Google. Yes, that answer still holds true. If you ask Uncle Google, you will get a lot of useful information about how to write a research paper. Why write a research paper? Well, you need to write a research paper if you want to post to What's the whole point of posting to Well, a link from a dot edu site carries a lot of weight, in the eyes of search bots.
No question there, if we really want to advance into something we have google that can support us along the way. It takes time, but it can surely be done.
Every time I hear about traffic tips, whether paid or free traffic, I used to pay attention, wanting to learn how I can generate traffic to my blog. Because I know traffic generation, using the right mechanism, is the way to financial freedom, I continue learning to know more about it. By the time traffic starts coming, you will begin earning income, even while sleeping. Isn't that great and interesting?

Anyway, I am quite sure that free traffic comes from social media platforms like Google+, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter and Pinterest. Free traffic also comes from forums, especially the ones that rank high on search engines.
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The problem with this that I've ran into a couple of times is that you have to be really dedicated to whatever source you use, because it takes so long to get things moving especially if you don't keep the ball rolling.
You can get backlinks through various SEO strategies like article submissions, guest postings, forum postings etc. Make sure that you are not spamming anywhere otherwise you won't get the desired results.

When it comes to such forms of advertisements, what matters the most is how you present yourself and your site. Just by spamming "Please come and check my site" you won't be getting anywhere. Make it rich with content, describe what it is about, why are you running it, what would it mean for newcomers and such. That works the same on social media as well. Just spamming posts like that won't really get you far. You have to be smart and play a different game
4) Build a list. This is the instant form of traffic.

Whatever be the kind of traffic you are getting, get an optin!!
Can you explain the list building technique a little more, domainking131? What list do we need to build and where should it get built? I'm not sure if this is a technical matter, or if you're talking about a planning strategy.

Regarding "get an optin," do you mean we should encourage them to be newsletter subscribers or get on our emailing list? I googled and that's about what it gave to me. If it isn't correct, will you please share that too?

I hope it's okay to bump older threads!


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