Does god exist?


New Member
I believe in god as well as spirits. Actually, believing in god is a matter of faith and if you dont believe in god it doesnt mean that god does not exist it simply means you dont believe in faith... i know this is not 100% proof but he "he who has faith does not need proof" .
So, do you have faith?
I also believe in the ultimate power God, I am not sure about the spirits but for me God is there who runs the whole show.
I have a strong faith in God. And i would say that although believing in God itself doesn't need any proofs, there are billions of proofs that He exists and manages everything everywhere.
I feel that god is not a being, it is just a positive intelligent energy which is the sum up of the energies inside all of us. Thats why we say that god lies within us.
I feel that god is not a being, it is just a positive intelligent energy which is the sum up of the energies inside all of us. Thats why we say that god lies within us.

Well, if you read the bible its explain in many different areas. God isn't a physical being so to say. Plus we are decendent from God since we are his children created from him. I can't explain this as well as my dad can so I'm not even going to bother before i end up confusing myself and everyone else. But yes, I do believe in God.
I live my life secularly and humanistically, I try not to have my belief get in the way of my ability to live according to science and reason but I am more inclined to believe than to not believe. I don't like pure faith as an instrument of belief, it should be supported by logic.
BTW, many great scientists said that the existence of GOD is logically results from scientific observations.
I believe in 2 Gods. The Mother and the Father. If man is supposedly made in His image, what about women? I believe that the Mother is the compassionate, nurturing God and the Father is the logical, intellectual side. I don't believe in a devil or a hell, but I do believe in reincarnation.
I think everyone has some sort of God that they believe in and then there are people who have no beliefs at all, I believe in God and I am Catholic.
Faith is something that everyone should have. Without faith in God does exist, I think that this world would be worst then it is today. This is the only thing that is stopping most of the people from committing that criminal stuff.
Yes, God exists. When you have had a rare cancer, and survived, you know there is a God. When I found out I had cancer (Merkel cell carcinoma), and had to have surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy, the first think I did was pray to God to let me survive it.
I prayed to him to please get it out of my body. When something like this happens to you, you don't think "Mom, I hope I make it", or "Dad, get this cancer out of me". Sure, they are the most important people "in" your life, but you also need to remember God. I wasn't praying to an "energy", or "science", I was praying simply to God. He can be my God, your God, or someone else's God.
I was also almost lost in a forest once,while backpacking with 1 friend. All of a sudden, I realized I was alone, and panicked because my friend was not answering me, and I could not find him. Again, the first thing I did was ask God to help me find my friend. I soon found him.
Even with simple things there is God. I recently needed to pass an exam at my job, to be able to advance. I took the exam. By the end of the exam, I wasn't really positive if I passed. I went to the restroom, and on the way back, I again asked God to help me. "Please, God" let me pass this exam. I did.
These example prove to me there is a God. They may not prove anything to you, but it doesn't matter. Everyone needs to find out for themselves, if there is a God for them. I just hope there is a God for you, when you really need him, like I did.

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Oh wow - very moving story Frank! Sorry that you had to go through that.
It's ok, I am a 4 1/2 year survivor. The cancer is currently "gone". Life is good. I was married last year to my wife, Letty, in Hawaii! We bought a home. She moved up from Los Angeles to Fresno, and will be employed by the State of California 1 year now on 09/10/2008!
To anyone whoever finds out they have cancer, life is not over. You can't give up. You just have to do all that is required. Of course, I just lost a friend at work a few months back. He found out he had cancer. I told him the same, but he died in a couple of months. Maybe God just had other plans for him.
Take care!

Congrats to both of you!

Life has a way of throwing lots of things at you - both good and bad.
I believe in God entirely. There is always a supreme power who is running this world. I do believe in ghosts and similar stuff since there is a positive, a negative has to exist.
I have the strong faith in God as well as spirits. I think that without faith in God the man can lose all his principles and he can become the enemy not only for the God but to all mankind also.
i have always believed in God. when i was a kid, my parents introduced Him to me. and i know that He is real. maybe He is just a spirit but He is always there to look after us.
I believe that God do exist. There has to be a supreme being or a mastermind who designed all the great things that existed and still existing. Everything were designed and were put into place by God. No creation is possible without a creator.
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I believe that God do exist. There has to be a supreme being or a mastermind who designed all the great things that existed and still existing. Everything were designed and were put into place by God. No creation is possible without a creator.
I think that you are absolutely right. I have this feeling from my childhood that there is some supreme being above us. And this supreme being has the power to create and to ruin everything.


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