ZeroClick is back in the headlines!


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Warning: do you know where your parked domain traffic is going? -

“Zero click” monetization for parked domains, in which domain traffic is forwarded to another site rather than landing on a page full of ads, is nothing new in the domain name industry.
In recent years, though, more parking companies have integrated with zero click providers in order to compensate for falling revenues from Google ads.

Many domain owners are probably not aware that some of their traffic is being sent to other sites rather than a lander. This could be problematic.

- See more at: Domain Name Wire | Domain Name News & Views
As domainers, ROI should be a priority. Zero click advertising should be added to the mix of options to uplift revenues. Dependence on one form of advertising alone may not be healthy.
ZeroClick as experienced personally and as written in the article above has significant issues especially in the Indian Context...even the phishing sites are still not cleaned up...very few parking services offer it since this issue is now highlighted...higher revenues vs lifetime ban possibly needs to be evaluated.
“Zero click” purpose is to monetize parking sites through advertising?
How does this traffic is diverted to other sites rather than yours or any associated domain parking site?
For the advertiser, it's like pay per click. So, if you sell widgets, a domain like would automatically forward to your shop.


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