Year end domain investor checklist


Here are 5 things to do before the year ends:

Renew domain names and transfer domain names – I am renewing domain names I know I plan to keep for a while, and I have also been transferring some domain names to other registrars to consolidate my holdings. This is also a good time to turn off auto-renew on domain names I don’t want to keep.

Buy office equipment and supplies – I wanted a new laptop for travel and decided on the new MacBook Pro. I don’t have a ton of office supply needs, but I ordered a few necessities. Depending on your business, it might make sense to buy these important items before the year ends.

Review aftermarket listings – The end of the year is a good time to make sure my listings on Afternic are accurate and the prices are still acceptable. Domain names that were either sold or expired should be removed from my account, and now is a good time to do that.

Update records I do my best to keep accurate records during the year. For those people who may not keep their records as updated as I do, now is a good time to take care of that. Be in touch with account managers to run renewal reports to ensure all expenses are accounted for before tax time.

Close outstanding deals – If you have any outstanding deals that could be closed, today may be the day to do it. If you want to add revenue for 2017 or even line up a deal for 2018, you can still have some flexibility today. Wire transfers can be sent for a few more hours if you want to bring on more revenue for this year.



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