Using a coach/consultant


Digital and internet marketing aren't the easiest things to handle if you haven't taken time to understand them. What do you guys think about using the marketing coaches and consultants out there? Do you think they are useful for small business owners?
For new startup and small business, you don't need coach. Often coaches are not reliable. I think there are more number of coaches who can claim to know things. But they in reality not aware of much. So this makes you wonder if it's worth spending money on them. I think consultant is atelast person with some knowledge. These days coaches are not like that. You just have to find out how to get the good coach or simply go with consultants out there. Go with consultant who can help with the outsourcing.
I mean, obviously it depends on the person and their business and what they want from it. So, yes I think a coach would benefit someone who really needed help.

