Urgent: Top Level .IN Domains Wanted

We have query from Top Domainer (Known to be No.1 in the world...Please donot try to guess or try to directly contact him) , Please provide only Very high quality ( one word ) of .IN domain name with expected amount.

Please provide it within next 24 hours time as almost 20 domain name list is ready we can add more into that.

PM here only...
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Please donot take it in another way it was our sincere effort for members of this forum but now onward we will not make such mistake to invite names from open forum..it was just a help to establish .IN domain name but ......members think it was for our benefit.

I think its a great initiative you've taken and Im not sure why any member/organization would construe this in any other way?

Unfortunately, I just happened on this thread so was unable to participate...I am sure these domains will be developed and will add value to the .in community, which is all our goal at the end of the day!


Now we are sure after seeing this post some of our forum member (to whom we say black sheep among us) will Google it to find out the identity of this fellow and will also contact him but rest assured every email he will receive for .IN will be directed to us.

I think its a great initiative you've taken and Im not sure why any member/organization would construe this in any other way?

Unfortunately, I just happened on this thread so was unable to participate...I am sure these domains will be developed and will add value to the .in community, which is all our goal at the end of the day!

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I also think that this is a great initiative from Mitsu and believe that this will increase the presence and potential of .IN amongst the domaining community. Well done Mitsu!

I did also participate in this activity, but in similar vain to LLL.in King, I did not receive any response back in regards to the progress and update on the list that I had submitted, which was a little disappointing. But since I have always had a great relationship with the guys at Mitsu and I have always been a valuable customer to them (holding 90% of my .IN portfolio with them for the last 6-7 years) , I trusted them and knew that they would be doing the right thing and approaching the investor in the correct manner.

I also think that it is probably best for Mitsu to now contact the domain owners directly in the future, in relation to any further opportunities like this. Best of luck Mitsu! You guys are really helping the .IN scene to grow! And hopefully if you guys come across another opportunity like this again in the future, i'll be getting an email from you ;)


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