Tomorrow's entrepreneurs in India


New Member
Via , I just read an excerpt of Computer Society of India's newsletter, which discusses the next wave of entrepreneurship in India:

So let us take a look at tomorrow’s entrepreneur - I tend to see him (or her - the masculine is just convenience) in two colors - Mr E the risk taker, and Mr E, the man with the plan. Tomorrow’s risk taker is a person fresh out of college, with a few like-minded close friends and a couple of mentors, who want to do the next cool thing. The man with the plan is a youngish guy, probably back from the USofA, his future secured, with a plan that will leverage India for his next successful startup. Is anyone building up a services company? Well, yes and no. What I see in the future is services sold as a product. One in three entrepreneurs are going to be thinking about leveraging the labor cost differential at the low end of the value chain along with innovation that takes the returns to the high end of the value chain.

I see social networking sites that will spawn with better ideas in India, quickly gaining eyeballs, cheaper and faster than anywhere else except China perhaps. I see quicker and richer integration of media, with infotainment at the core. Indian entrepreneurs will be driving mid range technology applications with a larger audience and higher success rates. You saw youtube and facebook become the rage and build value worth billions in a short span of time - hold your breath for the Indian versions; they are not too far away in the future.

You can read the rest at:

Or download the full PDF article at:

CSI's newsletter contains other great articles on entrepreneurship in India.
That's an amazing article. Yes entrepreneurship is growing in india by leaps and bounds. But still we are no where near china.

During my recent visit to china, I meet many MD, CEO and similar officials of big limited companies and what I noticed? They are just around 25 years of age.

During my recent visit to china, I meet many MD, CEO and similar officials of big limited companies and what I noticed? They are just around 25 years of age.


That's great. Many entrepreneurs 'think outside the box' and that sets them apart from others.
Great article. Recently I found a similar article by email. Future entrepreneurs will definitely have to think out of the box or they will be out of the business pretty soon. Family businesses except in very niche segments are falling apart due to lack of creativity. Take a hint.

