This is priyanka.. need help with website..
Its not a very good look Priyanka. But I recommend, you use some CMS like Joomla, or worpress to maintain your website, they come with nice templates and also, if you are ready to spend a little, you get better templates. You will have to change the look to keep your audience visit again and again.

And more over, I don't think there's any thing for a visitor to visit your page again and again. One will not be interested to know about you. (Unless you are ready to give your mobile number or (e)mail address) And even if he wants to know, he would visit only once and not again and agains as things are not going to be updated in such a website.

Just think of something more. Try something commercial. I don't know what you can do with such a domain. Better try to make a forum like this and try to get in all of them who have their name as Priya, Priyanka, Priyan and so on. And make a discussion forum. It may be a hit than this.


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