The advantage with following what is hot right now...


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One of the most important thing in the domaining business is the entry and the exit!

The entry involves predicting the demand and making a buy call. When and what to buy, what will have a value in the time frame that I am looking for, in this particular investment are some of the questions that you need to ask.

The exit involves, knowing when is it the right time to sell. Considering the pros and cons of rejecting or accepting a particular offer on a domain name, and then finding the right time to sell it.

For example, there was a time when 4 letter domain names were in huge demand in China. It was trending and within days, we saw the prices surge from high two figures/ low 3 figures to 4-figures.
In those days, people looking for quick flips bought them at a certain price on one day and as soon as they would find a buyer at a better price, they would sell them off.
Sometimes, that took hours, sometimes a day, sometimes a week or a month.
It was a trend that dried down later, with some people caught up with the investments that they made.

So, we need to know the time frame for which we are investing, the entry and exits.

Your thoughts?
Just like playing the Stock Market. The entry and exit is the difference between winning and losing. If you are looking for quick flips, then read and study what is selling on websites like NameBio. If you are in it for the long haul, only deal in "Blue Chip" domains ie short keyword domains that attract instant attention, easy to pronounce and easier to spell and type into the web browser. Generic names that will have a wider audience and more buyers. I find that clicking on links can be a spam attack waiting to happen so I type in most of the domain names that I wish to browse on the internet. Niche domains might bring higher prices but could be more difficult to sell.

AND Above all. Stick to your game plan. Don't get sidetracked and lose focus. It has happened to me way too many times and my checkbook always regrets it! :confused:


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