Strange Yet Useful


What is the strangest thing you have ever seen or read on the internet that you could actually use to your benefit for your own website?

Specifics not needed......generalities will do.
I can't recall anything strange per se but there was this time when I read that creating controversy on your site can be a good way to create links. For instance, you can highlight two opposing instances in your niche then look at the different viewpoints without creating a bias. This can make you an avenue through which other people create attention for you.
The strangest thing I read was about 'legally stealing traffic from other websites for free'. This shocked me to the core, especially after a friend of mine demonstrated how to do this effectively.
The strangest thing I read was about 'legally stealing traffic from other websites for free'. This shocked me to the core, especially after a friend of mine demonstrated how to do this effectively.
Dude you awoke my curiosity, can you please tell me how you steal traffic from other websites, that to for free. I know we can get some traffic by leaving links of our sites in the comment box but besides that is there any other way to do it , if there is one, then please share.
You're not the only one, Prasanna Kumar, I also would dearly love to hear how this is achievable. If it's not illegal or unethical, I'm quite sure everyone here would benefit from hearing about it.


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