Should India Protect its athlete's domain names?


New Member
Should India protect its leading athlete's domain names, as is being done by china? I think yes, and if not the .com , at least .in should be reserved and dedicated to its outstanding athletes.

Here is an interesting article
Tough one really. It's one of those things that sounds good in theory, but the practicalities are difficult and it becomes a bit of a slippery slope. What if two people have the same name? Why only Olympic athletes? Why not politicians? What about if someone is buying a politician's name to create a parody site or an attack site?

The INDRP is already in place and it protects the Olympic athletes. I think that is sufficient. No need to go down this slippery slope.
Yeah, that was the basic reason why I put in this article, It doesn't matter if it is used by another person, but Atleast such parked pages can be prevented, as for the Olympics time they might have been one of the most searched for names. I hope INDRP has regulations about it.


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