Professional Reviewer


I have been in the web since the late nineties, and I am hard pressed to remember ever seeing people advertise their services as being professional website reviewers. Why is that? Even today, if you google the term you will be shown sites for web designers. I only found one company that does this, and you have to pay for a membership. Not much use for someone who builds one website per year.
There are lots of people who will review your site for SEO for free, hoping that you will then pay them to improve it. I know there's a design agency that offers the service near us, but they are very expensive and only really open for large companies.

I think the problem is that reviews are so subjective, and people don't like being told their website isn't good, that trying to manage a website review business would have a lot of clients reversing payments etc.
As you say, professional website reviewing looks like something that you can do (for free) with the hope that a prospective website owner will contact you for another service. It would make it a lot easier and cheaper if there were many of these companies, don't you think?
Sorry, my first answer assumed you were looking for usability assessment. If you want to review your code, there is always which checks whether your site is valid to w3c standards and flags up errors. There's also a whole set of tools here to check for broken links etc here: Since these tools are free, it is difficult for people to ask site owners to pay for them.
I think the problem is that reviews are so subjective, and people don't like being told their website isn't good, that trying to manage a website review business would have a lot of clients reversing payments etc.

Even if you set up a no refund policy? I get what you're saying though, some people can't take constructive criticism if when it's needed.
I don't think you should ever have to pay for such a service because a lot of people will happily give you their opinion for free. The trick is finding the right kind of qualified people to assess your site.
Even if you set up a no refund policy? I get what you're saying though, some people can't take constructive criticism if when it's needed.
The problem with a no refund policy is that if the client pays through Paypal or by credit card they can do a chargeback through that even if the service was performed as requested and the policy they agreed to says no refunds.


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