has been developed...
wow, they look pretty nice. I hope they do well. good,solid keywords, and remember one thing-food never becomes unpopular! :)
Hey, they look way more lively than parked domains. :p

Seriously though, best of luck with these websites nighthawk. It will be interesting to find out how these sites do over the next few months.
Definitely looks good nighthawk. As others mentioned, they look way much better than parked pages.

It would be both useful and interesting if you could share some stats, if possible, pertaining to 2 - 3 months before developing and after developing them.

Wishing you the very best!

thanks for the words of encouragement.

I plan on giving an update on the websites after 3 months of development.

These are really well done. I hope that they work out for you.

Please do post stats in the future.

Was any link building done?
I appreciate the positive feedback. I plan on coming back in 3 months and giving you all an update.

Jeff, took care of all the SEO and link building was done.

