Mobile penetration in India


New Member
There's a good article in the NY Times that discusses the popular use of mobile phones in India.

What makes the cellphone special in India? It is partly that India skipped the land-line revolution, making cellphones the first real contact with the outside world for hundreds of millions. It is partly that with few other machines selling so briskly, the cellphone in India also serves variously as a personal computer, flashlight, camera, stereo, video-game console and organizer. It is partly that India?s relative poverty compels providers to be more creative to survive.

But it is also that the cellphone appeals deeply to the Indian psychology, to the spreading desire for personal space and voice, not in defiance of the family and tribe but in the chaotic midst of it.

In Cellphone, India Reveals an Essence
Good article. I agree with it completely.

This is an important point to keep in mind for domainers and people who are developing websites aimed at the Indian market.
Yes, I think any short relevant "phone" related names will have good potential in both

Have one or two myself so I am biased!


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