for sale ( Website ) + 72,158 linkedin followers

Irfan Shafi

Adsense approved website with 9,567 uniques/mo | Establish date : 1st Nov 2015

I started this website and made it stand out of crowd with unique content . The website is about blog-positive news having a huge visitors from USA. Latest News India keyword is having massive 50k google monthly searches.

Recently In Small and medium-sized business "Latest News India" is declared third most influential in LinkedIn . Check out more info in link .
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The only reason to sell LinkedIn page is as we cant change name of Linkedin page and LinkedIn needs website email to run. Through Linkedin i get massive traffic.

Why i am selling this ?

I never thought of selling this website as i have put lot of money and hard work to make it stand out of crowd. However i am not able to give time to this website as it deserves. I am running another blog

Advertising :

We have not used adsense regulary as my 1st target was to establish this website and test it with every other affiliate networks .

However we got some direct advertisers which payed us $500/month

Keywords :

This website has strong hold on keyword "Latest News India"


1. Have you done any Search Engine Optimization?

Yes. We have made a publicly accessible, SEO optimized profile page for each user (who has not opted out) and have an XML sitemap that is submitted to most major search engines. Nothing past that though, and there is a huge opportunity to improve.

2. Has the site ever received any search engine penalties?


3. Do you or have you ever purchased traffic?


Website Concept ( 2 in 1 website ) : ( As per my experience )

1. First section contains news, which you can target for Adsense

2. Other sections like tech, health, finance etc. You can target there a affiliate services.

Final Note :

This website is really worth for purchasing. If you people need more information or if you have any questions please message me i will revert back to you.
What sort of price range are you looking for? Why did you stop updating the site?
Dear Jeff, i am working on another website and it has been long that i have not updated this "latest news India" website. Actually my price exception was so high $8000 . But after carefully analyzing it and with the help of few domineers. I have set up a price range of $1000 - $ 1300 . Linkedin page is very very important factor in this website which was ranked third for which i worked very hard.


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