Is SEO declining or gaining popularity?


Active Member
Back in the day, SEO used to be the real big thing but that seems to have changed recently. If this the case then, is it going to survive the next decade or two?
SEO is as popular as ever, but the algorithm constantly changes to adapt to the world and to overcome those that try to game the rankings. I think social media is factoring more and more into the SEO arena. Do you?
I think Social Media is becoming more important in SEO. Twitter and LinkedIn are starting to out pace Facebook in my opinion. With my twitter post, I see an increase of traffic to my landing pages. With FB, also no change.
SEO is still highly popular. I actually saw a report that next year it's going to be one of the most demanding fields. I don't know how long it's going to be on top, but for now it still is.
I don't know how or why SEO would ever go out of style, unless you just don't care if no one ever visits your site. Certain different methods of optimizing your sites may peak and valley in terms of effectiveness, but SEO will always be around as long as their is a need for it. And there will always be a need for it.
I don't think that SEO will ever go out of style. Google keeps changing the rules (now likes don't matter anymore) but content still remains KING! If you ever want to get listed on Google, you have to have great SEO, it's just my opinion.
I once read that traditional SEO is slowly paving way for different search mediums, especially with mobile phone usage rising every day. My question is how the platform will change, in response to less search engine usage by the current population.
Could you explain what you mean? I don't understand what a search medium is as opposed to a search engine.

In all seriousness, if there is a difference I would really like to know what it is.
If I could probably weigh in, I think more and more people are using the social sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as a way of finding out new information rather than going to say Google/Bing to search for something. Most companies have a huge presence online and so their brands are more likely to become famous through social media rather than through page ranking. I may be wrong but is there a chance that there's some truth to this?
I think Social Media is becoming more important in SEO. Twitter and LinkedIn are starting to out pace Facebook in my opinion. With my twitter post, I see an increase of traffic to my landing pages. With FB, also no change.
You do know that you can add tags and the like to improve SEO with your FB, Twitter, etc.? So I would say that SEO in and of itself, is not going anywhere soon. You just have to learn to utilize it in the social environments that you use.
You do know that you can add tags and the like to improve SEO with your FB, Twitter, etc.? So I would say that SEO in and of itself, is not going anywhere soon. You just have to learn to utilize it in the social environments that you use.
I hadn't looked at it in this way @JackD. SEO is therefore not going anywhere, in every sense. It is here to say and so I am just curious to know how everything will look like, ten years from now. In this sense, no one can afford to be left behind.
I hadn't looked at it in this way @JackD. SEO is therefore not going anywhere, in every sense. It is here to say and so I am just curious to know how everything will look like, ten years from now. In this sense, no one can afford to be left behind.
SEO should be used in conjunction with Social Media. I don't think at SEO will completely go away as long as there are desktop users but as smart phone usage continues to increase, FB and Twitter will see more functionality for searches. Choosing to ignore one or the other will ultimately cost a business to lose customers.
Seo is extremely popular in today's scenario as compared to past. Some of the ways that makes SEO more popular are:-

  1. Its not a cost but an investment
  2. It turns the spotlight on our sales record
  3. It is the crucial part of marketing mix
  4. It impacts in buying or re-searching cycle
  5. It prices are variable. It is never to costly
Judging by the number of spam emails I receive telling me how I can get my site on the first page of Google, I'd say SEO is still viewed as very important.

Social media has a big part to play in getting one's site seen, though I'm definitely not a huge fan of it myself.

I view it as more of a 'necessary evil.'


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