Is RSS still useful?


RSS feeds are inbuilt into most sites, but they don't seem to be used by visitors anymore. A lot of dedicated RSS readers have vanished from the market. Now it seems to be used mostly to feed data to external sites, like updating twitter and facebook. Is RSS still relevant to your visitors? Do you embed external RSS feeds in your pages?
No, I don't think RSS is dead. There are plenty of people still using RSS. However, though, there are also a lot of instances of a decline in RSS. Nonetheless, the thing doesn't come to my mind much anymore. Anyway, I remember in the past of reading of an RSS scheme to improve SEO - so for sure, it was popular then.
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I think this is one of those topics that generate a lot of divergent views. One argument has it that content providers should always publish RSS feeds while other people contend that other modern ways of receiving information and notifications have evolved over the years, hence rendering RSS irrelevant. In a way, it depends on which side of the divide you are in.
I personally don't think RSS feeds of the other site to yours may not be good. But those who are collecting content from your site to theirs using RSS that would be useful. And that's not only building the links but also more exposure. I think many people need to see how the RSS can change a lot of things as far as more exposure is concerned. It takes time to build links this way though.
No, I don't think RSS is dead. There are plenty of people still using RSS. However, though, there are also a lot of instances of a decline in RSS. Nonetheless, the thing doesn't come to my mind much anymore. Anyway, I remember in the past of reading of an RSS scheme to improve SEO - so for sure, it was popular then.

Yeah, RSS is still used for SEO, and it's still useful. It's not as trendy as in the past, but at the same time I don't think it's disappearing anytime soon.


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