Heritage Auctions selling company owned Coin domain names



Cryptocurrency domain names have been quite popular of late. Domain names related to cryptocurrency continue to sell for high prices at marketplaces and auction venues. Many sold domain names are very specific to cryptocurrency (ie they have “crypto,” “bitcoin,” or some other crypto-related keyword in them). Other domain names are less specific and have been somewhat repurposed to make sense in the crypto space.

Coin related domain names have also become popular because of cryptocurrency. NameBio has nearly 1,000 publicly-shared domain name sales archived with the word “coin” in the last five years. I would imagine many of these have been sold to cryptocurrency companies or people speculating on cryptocurrency domain names. Because of the increased value and demand for these kinds of domain names, companies have been listing domain names for sale that were bought for reasons not related to cryptocurrency. For instance, Token.com and Tokens.com were recently sold for substantial sums of money to companies in the crypto space.

CoinAuction.com $80K
CoinLoans.com $150K (start a crypto lending platform. The Domain Capital of the crypto space)
CurrencyAuctions.com $80K
RawCoin.com $3K
RawCoins.com $3K
JewelryLoan.com $50K (not crypto but a great name)
CoinConvention.com $100K
CoinConventions.com $100K
BuySellCoins.com $2K
CoinAuctions.com $80K
CoinFind.com $20K
CoinInvestments.com $50K
CoinProgram.com $10K
CoinPrograms.com $10K
CoinQuotes.com $50K (give Coin Market Cap a run for their ‘digital’ money)
CurrencyAppraisal.com $20K
FractionalCurrency.com $40K
MyCoinPrice.com $2k
ParamountCoin.com $5K
ParamountCoins.com $5K
SellMyCoins.com $2K
CoinAppraiser.com $2K
CoinClubs.com $20K
CoinLists.com $20K (the plural version is for sale at $275,000 by another seller)
CurrencyAuction.com $80K
HCoin.com SOLD!
HCoins.com $7500
HeritageCurrency.com $10K
MyCoinValue.com $5K



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