Free .in and .com lifetime registrations from Hostsoch.


I was reading around on the internet when I came across this on Quora. It basically says that if you agree to pay their hosting fees, you will get a free lifetime domain (.in or .com) registration for life. Do you really think this is true?
That is a very interesting concept if it is true. I will definitely have to go there and check this out. I have a .in that I'm wanting to get but I'm low on funds.;
Will the hosting fees go up each year? What happens if the hosting company goes under? Do you lose the domain? I've never heard of that hosting company, but I'm intrigued. Thanks for bringing it up!
Several hosting companies offer free domain registration if you host with them. Key is you have to keep hosting with them for life also. Your email address will not be in the whois for that domain, the hosting company will maintain control of the domain. @Parth asked some interesting questions. If the hosting company folds or if you do not renew hosting, you lose the domain name. Not such a good deal if the hosting company changes owners and quality is not there. Is it really worth $10 a year to find out?
I hate to agree with the above, however, you can't be too careful when purchasing "free" domains. You must read the fine print in order to make a solid decision. If you can't move your hosting from one company to another without losing your domains, what is the point?


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