Film: Advice from India's Super Achievers


New Member
Via, read some of the interesting thoughts of 22-year-old Indian entrepreneur Anubhav Srivastava.

Srivastava is in the process of making a film that intends to gain insight into what one requires to be a super achiever in life. To date, Srivastava has interviewed many of India's super successful.

I am making this film for people who go through life trying to figure out what it takes to be successful and always get vague answers like "luck" or "hard work" from the environment around them. You don't learn how to be successful by listening to someone who isn't. The most proven path to becoming successful is listening to what successful people have to say, studying their teachings and emulating what they have done.

This documentary is unique in the sense that it is the first time that several influential appear together in a documentary film and educate the viewer on the mentality one requires for being successful. There may be have been documentaries with similar ideas but what sets this film apart is the fact that all the interviewees are extremely well known and successful in their own fields instead of being “self help” gurus. Also, the issues discussed by these individuals are highly practical in nature instead of spiritual or metaphysical talk.

I think this seems like a very interesting film in the making!
I think it is a brilliant idea,most of the people would love to know as to how these people have made big. I also read interviews and views of guys who have done big in life.
The name of the film/documentary is "Carve Your Destiny." You can follow the production progress via Twtter.
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