Biggest threat to an online business


Active Member
Existing online comes with its challenges and security threats are one of these. Whereas some time back, this used to only worry the larger organizations, middle-sized companies are having to safeguard themselves against such threats. I believe that hackers, for instance, pose a higher risk now than ever before.

What are the other concerns, that any entity with an online presence, should have in mind?
Bad/Fraudulent Consumer- Many customers who purchase product from your online store, receives item/service correctly or in perfect condition still, makes chargeback/refund request and puts negative feedback for you. Just for their fun.

If dealing with physical product, then some lowest level shipping provider also becomes the problem, like they too do frauds like changing original product and delivering wrong/clone/empty box to the end consumer.

Above points might be taking place in very less %. But still, I think we need to take care.
I think the biggest threat is creating a product that can be remade for much cheaper in China. When that's possible, here will come the drop shippers. You can invent an amazing product and still lose out.
Bad/Fraudulent Consumer- Many customers who purchase product from your online store, receives item/service correctly or in perfect condition still, makes chargeback/refund request and puts negative feedback for you. Just for their fun.

A very good point. I had an online store that made lots of sales, but the charge back rate was so high I was losing money, and wasting a lot of time. I ended up just shutting things down.
Bad/Fraudulent Consumer- Many customers who purchase product from your online store, receives item/service correctly or in perfect condition still, makes chargeback/refund request and puts negative feedback for you. Just for their fun.

If dealing with physical product, then some lowest level shipping provider also becomes the problem, like they too do frauds like changing original product and delivering wrong/clone/empty box to the end consumer.

Above points might be taking place in very less %. But still, I think we need to take care.

I have experienced people returning things that are slightly used or not in good condition just to get a refund. I, however, have addressed that in the terms and conditions of my site and the user must agree to the conditions before they can order. It has been working well.
I think the biggest threat is creating a product that can be remade for much cheaper in China. When that's possible, here will come the drop shippers. You can invent an amazing product and still lose out.

This is where dropshippers should have a sense of country loyalty, and can play a large part in keeping industry in the United States, for example.

Raise their prices to where it is not economically feasible for a company to ship goods from China to the U.S. Or any other country for that matter.
I have experienced people returning things that are slightly used or not in good condition just to get a refund. I, however, have addressed that in the terms and conditions of my site and the user must agree to the conditions before they can order. It has been working well.
That wouldn't work if you sold on Amazon or ebay. Those two are known for siding with the customer at all times. Those are two popular selling platforms, but it seems that you're selling on your own website. Is that working out better for you? I've always wondered if it's easy enough to bypass Amazon and ebay.
Just to get some clarity, isn't there a return policy in most of the sites like Amazon? I know some companies give a 7-8 day return policy. What about items that have been shipped abroad? Now that you've all brought it up and discussed it broadly, I now see how a malicious consumer(s) can actually ruin a business.
I believe that the biggest problem is the fraudulent consumer. Many people just try to return used items for full refunds which therein lies the problem. How does one keep a good return policy from becoming a nightmare from dishonest people trying to get over on you?
What I gather here is that prospective customers can easily believe a fictitious customer who claims to have been treated badly. Why is it so easy for people to believe these 'fraudulent' customers? Are we coming from a place where other businesses have set a bad example and destroyed the trust that at times is so hard to get?
I know of people who swear that "I know it's true because I read it on the internet (Insert Facebook or Twitter here instead of Internet)". I believe the media has tried to train us that they will tell us everything we need to know and we do not have to think for ourselves anymore. That makes me go the opposite way where I do not believe anything I read without research and proof. Some say that makes me cynical, I say that makes me cautious. But the majority likes to be spoon fed so they don't have to think.
And it is so unfortunate that the majority of people let social media dictate facts on their behalf. Have you ever come across a discussion online with comments where people are asking a question than they can easily research and find answers to online?
The biggest threat for online business are :-

  • unsecured network
  • upset employees
  • stolen services
  • dangerous code
  • phishing
  • business website hacks
  • customer information breaches
  • mistakes of employees


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