Am i paying too much


New Member
I am paying 250 per month for my hosting.Indian reseller whose servers are in the planet.It offers 3 gb webspace and unlimited bandwidth.Other features are cpanel access and fantastico............The reason i chose my host is that he is my friends brother.Whenever i have trouble i can call him straightway to his mobile and ask(the good part) and the bad part is that if he choses not to attend i am helpless,no live support.I pay 250 every month,no yearly fee so i have some control.

He offered me 2gb initially for a month and now after a little bargaining he offers me 3gb.My site is getting around 200 visitors a day and now he is offering me free hosting if i allow him to place a 468*60 top banner.

I got 563 unique visitors in 10 days.If i opt for top banner with free hosting is it stupid.I got very low adsense revenue of say 2$.Any suggestions please.

Am i paying the right price or am i paying too much.I am so new to all this and would be thankful to any help.
Newbie domainer.
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That sounds like a reasonable hosting deal - about normal market prices. In fact, if your bandwidth use gets really high you'd be getting a very good deal, as most hosts would probably limit it to 5 - 10 Gb in that price range.

I guess it would boil down to how good the support is - if it's not very good, you could probably find something similar with decent support. The Planet is pretty good, so you shouldn't need support too often.

Whether you should use the banner is really up to you. I think you'd be better off trying to get the traffic up, then getting relevant advertisers. But maybe getting the banner up is a short term solution until your site is more established.
Thank you Jeff for all your input.

Can you suggest me a good host.Now most of my mails are bouncing.The host says its scripting trouble but then there is nothing wrong in scripts.I have a lot of images say 1500.I send 200 mails per day through my webmail.

Newbie domainer.
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I am sure you will find a lot of them if you search using google..also, you can search for providers in your own locality if you feel you would need to contact their support team on a regular basis..


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