a niche daily deals type site



New Member
just wondering if i can get some feedback on a website that im just about to release for sale after i swap the domain to a better one that i have.
the new domain has better marketing appeal

the current 'testing domain'


I will over the weekend change it over to

halaldeal [dot] c*m [dot] au

the reason for the test domain is not to have it listed on google too early

I heavily modified a base 'off the shelf' script (im basically the only guy doing good custom stuff with it)

anyhoo any bad or good feedback is welcome
just be honest as it helps me improve and helps other NOT to make the same mistakes I have made :)

*reason that im selling
domain = $24 for 2 years
script = $200
resale = $10k (i have sold previous ones at around that price)

i then use this profit to help get LLL.com's (LLL.com's are the cheapest they have been in many years)
you can get a good LLL.com for $20k -$30k
keep the LLL for 2 years and then resell for a minimum of 50% profit

easy strategy to get the money for LLL's without spending your savings....well a little bit of work is needed but its worth it
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