Lightweight alternatives to wordpress?


For the small sites I am building at the moment, wordpress is a bit overblown and slow. Do you know any lightweight free CMSs that work as alternatives? I looked at Ghost, but that seems to have gone commercial and Acidcat isn't being supported anymore and has security holes.
I have never had an issue with Wordpress before, but then again, it's the only CMS that I've ever used since I started creating my websites. I guess it wouldn't hurt to take a look at those links.
There are so many alternatives to Wordpress that I know in addition to the ones already mentioned. There is Joomla, Drupal, Jekyll, Tumblr... the list goes on.
There are so many alternatives to Wordpress that I know in addition to the ones already mentioned. There is Joomla, Drupal, Jekyll, Tumblr... the list goes on.
Joomla and Drupal are a little large for what I'm looking for, but I didn't know tumblr could be self-hosted. Do you know where the script or download is for it?
Tumblr is not available for self-host. If you want to use Tumblr, you will need to go directly to their website. It's open for custom domains and pages are relatively easy to manage. I would agree if one says it is easier to manage than WordPress, but it comes with limited features.
I have tried one platform named Ghost. It was available on one of thee free hosting site. It has very easy setup. And it has less options too. But it gets the job done. Compared to WordPress, it does not have much features. But you can use it and extend it if you know how to code. Most of the journalists these days switching to WordPress.


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