Newsportal +Finance website for sale


New Member
Hello all ,
I had started and developed website for the past 2 years and i think its time for me to move on .. as i would like to focus on some other initiatives. And am contemplating on selling this newsportal +finance website to any person who is interested. The reasons why am selling is the following , i have started to work on other website related projects in my free time hence am unable to focus on and also that am quite satisfied with what i have achieved with this site and would like to now hand over this to some other person who is knowledgeable about web business and has the time to nurture this site futher
Following are the statistics of the Site based on Google Analytics report

The site currently has around 1000 unique visitors/day (absolute unique visits as per google) with around 8000 page views/ day.
The advertisement revenue is around Rs 5000 to Rs 8000/ month (based on last 4 months average). This offer includes the following
1. Support for 1 week for transfer of Knowledge.
2. Domain Name (no hosting ) , so all data needs to be transferred to ur own hosting.
Please get back to me with the possible price for which you like to buy this service at
Hi Avinash
Do you have a BIN in mind - or have you already got the deal done? Do let me know - I have just got 12 domains on News (.com's ) and would be wonderful if i could replicate your system

Yes am willing to give u access to google analytics . Let me know ur email address via PM and will send u the CSV output of google analytics !
Hi Avinash,

I am interested. Appreciate more info - access to google analytics and any revenue stats.

hi avinash, can i have a look into your adsense a/c? im wondering if your revenue is 8k INR(around $200) already then why would you sell the website at the revenue of next 10 or 11 months only..? if you just got this revenue for past 2 years then you have already earned 192000 INR, and ofcourse you put in the time and hard work to develop,market and administer the site and finally keep it active/alive till date, i suggest it would sell better at the around price of 2.5 Lakhs.. but nothing less than this! if i were you, i would have done this only! its a different case and your price of 90k is right if your forum has started to become less active or become a hub of more of spammers, bots and less of real users who are not continuously returning back in the past 2 months!
you said that your site is 2years old, but "" say:
Created On:02-Oct-2008 !?

And why is your Alexa-rank so high 337.000 while you have 1000unique Visitors ?

Explain please?

And why is your Alexa-rank so high 337.000 while you have 1000unique Visitors ?

Hello Thomas,

Not replying for seller, but want to clear a fact that Alexa cannot be trusted with their numbers.

The source of Alexa's traffic valuation is based on:
(i) Alexa Toolbar installed on the browser.
(ii) aAexa javascript tags that the site owner might have placed on their site.

I have a site that gets over 1K uniques, but am rankled 160K on Alexa.

Site was orginially hosted on domain in US , i moved the hosting from yahoo US to Yahoo India . During that time i changed my domain to . Hope that explains ..
you said that your site is 2years old, but "" say:
Created On:02-Oct-2008 !?

And why is your Alexa-rank so high 337.000 while you have 1000unique Visitors ?

Explain please?

Abhishek ,

Am willing to share adsense access to any person who is serious about buying the site. About my earning pattern.

Jan to April - Average revenue is 100 dollars.
April to July - Average revenue is 140 dollars.

Before that it was a measly 20 to 25 , so i have not earned 1.9 lakhs from this site . Total earning till date is around 1300 dollars (around 65k).

The traffic is increasing everymonth (as these are static pages, no bots are able to mess around), but to keep increasing traffic/maintain it at the same level one needs to keep investing time which am short of now. This is the reason why am expecting to sell at a price of 90k. Anyways the point i i did not find any serious buyers . The best quote i got was from a stock broker at 45k i may want to sell it at 2:45 lakhs as suggested by you but i dont think i would find a buyer..:)

hi avinash, can i have a look into your adsense a/c? im wondering if your revenue is 8k INR(around $200) already then why would you sell the website at the revenue of next 10 or 11 months only..? if you just got this revenue for past 2 years then you have already earned 192000 INR, and ofcourse you put in the time and hard work to develop,market and administer the site and finally keep it active/alive till date, i suggest it would sell better at the around price of 2.5 Lakhs.. but nothing less than this! if i were you, i would have done this only! its a different case and your price of 90k is right if your forum has started to become less active or become a hub of more of spammers, bots and less of real users who are not continuously returning back in the past 2 months!


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