Why my site is not showing Page rank



New Member

Can any body please let me know what the problem with my site?
My site is not showing page rank i am checking with all page rank websites but not showing..my website is Petbazaar.in
I'm sorry to hear. Sounds like the website is under a page rank penalty (I note the SERPs seem fine).

I'm not an SEO expert but what I do notice is that Pet Bazaar is interlinking with a number of sites (I don't know if these are your sites or they are link exchanges etc).

There has been some debate about whether or not Google sees interlinking of sites as a problem. Here's an article that discusses this issue: Should I Interlink My Own Blogs and Sites?

Obviously, I don't know if this is what your problem is, and it's just a guess on my part. Perhaps other INForum members can also offer some advice and insight.

Once you've made any changes that you think are necessary, you should file a reconsideration request with Google.

PS: Forgot to ask, have their been any changes to the domain recently? - i.e. expired domain, new owner etc.
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Your site enjoys a page rank of 2 - so the question is how are you checking page rank. Do you have google toolbar in your browser? If not, I would suggest to use that to check PR instead of going to other websites (which may or may not give accurate results) Another option would be to use SeoQuake toolbar - a very useful tool to gather information on websites. By the way Google cached your page on 26th May and as of now while i write this post - enjoy your PR 2!

something fishy with the forum, I didn't see last 2 posts while i read the question and responses - and after I reply they mysteriously appear and my post looks rather foolish .. arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh
Okay my site is now showing PR2 hurray...

Congrats pebazaar. Did you end up changing anything on your website or file a reconsideration request?

something fishy with the forum, I didn't see last 2 posts while i read the question and responses - and after I reply they mysteriously appear and my post looks rather foolish .. arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh

pubdomains.in, I haven't noticed such a problem before. If it continues, please let us know.
There has been another pagerank update in the last few days. It looks like your PR is still alright. That's good news!


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