Strategy, Marketing and Leadership Lessons for New gTLD Registries and Investors
With new gTLDs going live every week for the upcoming couple of years, this interview is applicable to both new registry operators and investors alike.

New gTLD operators, ask yourself:
* What is your strategy for making your top-level domain unique, differentiated and desired by businesses, individuals and investors?
* What is your marketing message and how are you going to market?
* How are you taking a leadership position to help end users make use of your top-level domain?

Investors in the new gTLDs, ask yourself:
* Is the registry you’re currently or potentially investing in clearly communicating answers to the above questions on their website, in marketing literature, and in a blog?

If the answer is no, perhaps you should consider short-term speculation (e.g., buy and quickly flip whatever.tld) rather than long-term investing (i.e., buy and hold for long-term gain) in the top-level domain.

Many believe the .CO registry is the “poster child” for how a new top-level domain answers all the above questions and is succeeding in the minds of individuals, businesses and entrepreneurs. That makes the top-level domain a better investment than many, if not most, other top-level domains other than .com.

It’s worth re-watching this interview to understand why.

Strategy, Marketing and Leadership Lessons for New gTLD Registries and Investors


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