Customised parked pages


New Member
I've read about companies offering customised pages for parked domains (ie they will provide some content for the parked website).

Do they really work? Won't Google eventually penalize such sites once they realise what's going on? As far as I know, Google will not intentionally index a parked page, or am I missing something here? Please share your views.

I should mention that I've never used this type of service before.
Maybe some day Google will penalize customized parked pages, but as of today it does not. I haven't noticed that my customized parked pages have been penalized.

Actually, I don't look at things like page rank etc very much. No, make that rarely. On a day when I was otherwise bored I did check on one of my customized parked pages Last time I looked it was #2 on Google search when you look up the word 'horishi.' That doesn't make it seem as if I am being penalized, even though it is a customized parked page.

So far, in the month or so I have been using customized parked pages, I have been getting a dribble of paying clicks. Each day I get more clicks, thus more money. I'm not rich yet, but I can dream.
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