Minisites - Are They Worth It?


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I was thinking of setting up a bunch of minisites on my domains, but before I put a lot of time and money into this, I just wanted to get some feedback. Do you think that minisites are worth it? I've heard a number of success stories and a number of failures, and it's hard to sort out what's accurate.
If you have a good domain. I think you can claim for much higher prices if you can develop a website around the name. Most people aren't very creative and hence are unable to link things together. A domain with a website could give them very clear idea. Plus sooner or later it would get indexed in various search engines which would save precious time of the buyer.

Definitely worth trying.
I think Minisites can be good if the offer is worth converting. I know some of the brands which are easy to convert. But in some cases it takes time for those if there is too much content. So mini sites in this context can save time and money. I think those are worth using. I am not sure about the blogs and networked sites, those surely work but require a lot of traffic.
This thread is from 2008. Back then it may have been worth it. Definitely not now.
If you can do a niche of linked mini sites, like homepages for junior cricket clubs or flower arrangers, then it can be worth it even nowadays because you have targeted traffic and you know what they will buy. If you're looking at setting up just free general blogs, that market's pretty much saturated.
This thread is from 2008. Back then it may have been worth it. Definitely not now.
So did you set them up back then? Did it work out? A lot of threads are left hanging. It's like reading a novel and not knowing the ending.
This thread is from 2008. Back then it may have been worth it. Definitely not now.
It is crazy how some may not be in now, but will be in a couple of years. Like Foroux, I must know, did you create the mini sites or not? You never said if you did.
Advertising rates have greatly decreased in 2017, registering domains is very expensive


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