Yes! anybody can file any TM application, whether usage are there or not there, when someone apply for TM , Tm registry ask for date of first use of this particular term by the applicant, some people write wrong date/ some people write proper date, some people write "proposed to be used", so in short TM registry donot have any objection on that and they proceed to publish the mark and if somebody objects to it then they ask applicant to prove the things and if applicant proves the details whatever he wrote in TM application he/she get the mark. If he/she fails to prove then TM donot get registered.
To conclude, one more thing even if somebody able to get TM registration certificate on false pretext/or misusing the TM given to him/her , there is law in every TM registry including in India that you can apply for deletion/rectification of Registered Trade Mark but this process takes almost six months time in India and requires a very strong case to prove falsification/misuse of trade mark.
To conclude, one more thing even if somebody able to get TM registration certificate on false pretext/or misusing the TM given to him/her , there is law in every TM registry including in India that you can apply for deletion/rectification of Registered Trade Mark but this process takes almost six months time in India and requires a very strong case to prove falsification/misuse of trade mark.
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