What About The Host?



When you buy a site, how likely is it that would would change the hosting service after the purchase is complete? Does the current host play into your decision as to whether to buy or not?
I think it's just too much hassle to try and change the hosting service after you acquire a website. I think that I would stay with the same service unless it was really bad.
What possible reasons would someone have to change their hosting service? I'm just asking because I have only ever used the one and I've never had any issues.
What possible reasons would someone have to change their hosting service? I'm just asking because I have only ever used the one and I've never had any issues.
I've changed hosts a few times for various sites. We had one that was good, then changed their T&Cs to reduce our disc space and server processor significantly. Another one wanted us on a larger package than the current webhost, and we caught them throttling the site to artificially slow it down to try and make us upgrade. We moved to a new host. Having their servers be hacked and not fixing it, putting the prices up, or being taken over by new managers who aren't very good are all reasons.
If I'm buying a site and in as much as I wouldn't want to change the hosting service, the experience thereafter will determine whether or not there'll be a need for change. In Mallard's case, there would be a justifiable reason to do so. In such instances, would there be enough reason to sue for violation of the T&Cs?
In such instances, would there be enough reason to sue for violation of the T&Cs?
It isn't worth it. It costs more to sue than the costs of just moving the server, and if they are overseas then it is even more expensive. Good luck suing a US based hoster. It takes twenty-four hours to move hosts and repoint a DNS. Legal cases take months. Most hosters also have something buried in the T&Cs to say they can change their service without notice.
If I brought a website I would move it to one of my server straight away. The biggest advantage of moving to my own servers would be cost as I could use some spare capacity to host the website without having a pay a web host any extra money. The other advantage is that I would have more control due to having root access which allows me to optimise the server to make the website run faster.
I would certainly change the hosting because I like all my websites to be under one host. It makes things more convenient. However, though, it might take some time to move the website from one host to another and I certainly wouldn;t want to pay a high fee to get some to move it. However, some hosts will move your site for free.
I have moved almost every domain I own from EIG based host to Hawkhost. I think EIG based hosting such as hostgator and bluehost eventually makes you suffer for hosting there. I have noticed lot of downtime. Also the support is extremely bad too. Not many people want to be part of their hosting anymore. If you are serious then spend some money and get pressable or other managed hosting if possible.
What possible reasons would someone have to change their hosting service? I'm just asking because I have only ever used the one and I've never had any issues.
I had to move one of my project because the host couldn't process the payment system very well. It was confusing and we ended up losing data. I understand if one wants to move the domain to another host with better builders, protections, or perhaps parking options; otherwise, a month trial may be good enough to test the waters before deciding further.


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