WDD.2015 Curtain Raiser: Meet Jeff at New Delhi

LOL, are those all the pictures about WDD? I thought it was about domains and not some cafe hopping :p
From the pics posted, it looks like only around 10 people attended WDD ..LOL
No pics of attendees, other events that took place etc?

As RajDomains correctly said that you are one of the person who are not happy with WDD. We will happy if you reveal your id...as this is your first post and it seems you created the id with sole intention of writing against WDD. God Bless You...

We keep some unsocial elements at arms length at WDD and not allowed their entry into WDD but still one manage to gatecrash at event during the lunch but we didnot throw him out....we all decided to allow that fellow to roam around so he can see how successful is the event and pass the message to people like you. All these photo posted above was from Jeff's personal collection and you rate and counted the attendee at the event by seeing Jeff's personal collection photo......we know you are in hurry to rate the event and also know that you are dying to see the photo of event and rest assured we will surely post it soon....so you can easily rate the event.

For your kind information we want to mentioned that a successful event does not need a PR agency to project it as success or organizer does not need to announce on forums that we are successful....let the people speak about it, almost every newspaper in India published photo's of event.

Event is successful and WDD established as a strong brand in this part of the world...Success can be counted from following :

1. All top domain name Registrars were present with their full team...Godaddy (Including their India head), ResellerClub (Sponsor - with five person team), Mitsu (As mentor and Sponsor with team), ISPCircle (Sponsor - With Owner and full Team) and several other registrars .....so your counting of ten peoples at WDD event went way ahead of your exceptions only at registrar teams count.

Domain Name Investors:
2. Jeff (Inforum) with his wife and Markus Nolten (Famous .IN Domainers ) from Germany , Joy, Kaustav , Jalan family , Sai Pola, Raj Domains and several other domain Investors , All top names in Indian domain name industry were present at event and this is first time that India's almost all top domain name investors were present. This is sign of great success.
All these people are came to event on their own not paid by the organizers to come to event like others.......no need to explain further.

If you trust Jeff and others ( who post here regularly ) then ask them about the event......you will get fair details.
Above all every Domain name investors get chance to personally interact with Dr. Govind , CEO NIXI ....as far as I know Dr. Govind was very happy to meet Joy from Kerala and took promise from Joy to Invite all Domain Investors to Kerala for next event......This clearly proves that NIXI's view on Domain name Investors.

Registries and Govt. Officials and ICANN:
3. .IN Registry (NIXI) again sponsored and supported this only event in India and the CEO Dr. Govind , Directors of NIXI and Rajiv and team was available till the end of event day...... Afilias (.Info registry operator and technical service provider to .IN Registry) Team was present in full strength as sponsor (they were also Sponsored past WDD events).

ICANN India head Samiran Gupta was also present till the end of event day....This is not a small thing ...it is great honor for WDD.

Domain name Resellers and End users :

Domain name resellers and registrant ( End users) mostly invited from Resellerclub and Mitsu's customers and resellers database are attended in full strength and nice part of that people came to Delhi for this event from almost all parts of India.

Corporates, Law Firms and INDRP Arbitrators:

Corporate house representatives particularly their IT heads are invited to event and lot of them came to get insight into the domain names. Representatives of law firms like Amarchand Mangaldas , Lal Lahiri and Salotra, A.K.Singh & Co. and several others came to attend and interacted with people.

List is still very long....just one thing that all who came is attached to Domain name in one or another way..........

Awards was like a topping on ice-cream....First time in India any such awards given with the help of NIXI .......and we are sure copycats will try to imitate the originals in some form or other but pioneers are always pioneers.
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As far I am concerned nobody said these are only pics WDD team has... Wait more pics are coming soon... I am not sure you attended the event or not but "10 People attended" sounds you are not happy with WDD team but just to let you know there were over 300 attendees which includes me too.... so there is no need of your fake judgement!
Didn't say only 10 attended, said it "looks like" 10 attended given the same people in the different pictures.
More pics coming soon? It's over a week now..and the only pictures are the ones above.
No feeling against the WDD team or you, but its way about time we got some insight into what really went down at WDD.
Perhaps an article with some pics of the conference?

FAKE JUDGEMENT? Please don't throw words around.
As RajDomains correctly said that you are one of the person who are not happy with WDD. We will happy if you reveal your id...as this is your first post and it seems you created the id with sole intention of writing against WDD. God Bless You...

We keep some unsocial elements at arms length at WDD and not allowed their entry into WDD but still one manage to gatecrash at event during the lunch but we didnot throw him out....we all decided to allow that fellow to roam around so he can see how successful is the event and pass the message to people like you. All these photo posted above was from Jeff's personal collection and you rate and counted the attendee at the event by seeing Jeff's personal collection photo......we know you are in hurry to rate the event and also know that you are dying to see the photo of event and rest assured we will surely post it soon....so you can easily rate the event.

For your kind information we want to mentioned that a successful event does not need a PR agency to project it as success or organizer does not need to announce on forums that we are successful....let the people speak about it, almost every newspaper in India published photo's of event.

Event is successful and WDD established as a strong brand in this part of the world...Success can be counted from following :

1. All top domain name Registrars were present with their full team...Godaddy (Including their India head), ResellerClub (Sponsor - with five person team), Mitsu (As mentor and Sponsor with team), ISPCircle (Sponsor - With Owner and full Team) and several other registrars .....so your counting of ten peoples at WDD event went way ahead of your exceptions only at registrar teams count.

Domain Name Investors:
2. Jeff (Inforum) with his wife and Markus Nolten (Famous .IN Domainers ) from Germany , Joy, Kaustav , Jalan family , Sai Pola, Raj Domains and several other domain Investors , All top names in Indian domain name industry were present at event and this is first time that India's almost all top domain name investors were present. This is sign of great success.
All these people are came to event on their own not paid by the organizers to come to event like others.......no need to explain further.

If you trust Jeff and others ( who post here regularly ) then ask them about the event......you will get fair details.

Registries and Govt. Officials and ICANN:
3. .IN Registry (NIXI) again sponsored and supported this only event in India and the CEO Dr. Govind , Directors of NIXI and Rajiv and team was available till the end of event day...... Afilias (.Info registry operator and technical service provider to .IN Registry) Team was present in full strength as sponsor (they were also Sponsored past WDD events).

ICANN India head Samiran Gupta was also present till the end of event day....This is not a small thing ...it is great honor for WDD.

Domain name Resellers and End users :

Domain name resellers and registrant ( End users) mostly invited from Resellerclub and Mitsu's customers and resellers database are attended in full strength and nice part of that people came to Delhi for this event from almost all parts of India.

Corporates, Law Firms and INDRP Arbitrators:

Corporate house representatives particularly their IT heads are invited to event and lot of them came to get insight into the domain names. Representatives of law firms like Amarchand Mangaldas , Lal Lahiri and Salotra, A.K.Singh & Co. and several others came to attend and interacted with people.

List is still very long....just one thing that all who came is attached to Domain name in one or another way..........

Awards was like a topping on ice-cream....First time in India any such awards given with the help of NIXI .......and we are sure copycats will try to imitate the originals in some form or other but pioneers are always pioneers.

This is a start! Although a detailed account of the events would have been better.
Here's Vishaal doing the opening address. You can see the crowd in the background. It looked to me like more than 500 people attended.
Sorry Jeff , but why Crowd Image look so different o_O.. I mean Indian Habitat Center Auditorium doesn't look like its shown in the crowd image.

Did I miss any area :confused:


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