Uniregistry: 1.5 million domains in one day


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A whole lot of domains, but probably not much revenue.

How successful was .xyz’s promotion at Uniregistry?

Judging by volume, quite successful.

Uniregistry put out a press release today saying that 1.5 million domain names were registered at the registrar over 24 hours.

If the domains were all .xyz, this represents a whopping…$15,000 in revenue.

Something expected to happen, since .xyz its one of the leading new top-level domains, Uniregistry.com is impressed with the registration outcome.

Registering over a million and a half domain names in a single day could mean that customers are uploading large lists of domains to make availability checks. The registrar platform of uniregistry was robust enough to withstand the sheer number of massive registrations. I regard this as a great success for the company.
I think that is is a pretty good indicator that the company was successful. The demand alone is a remarkable sign. It was also pretty noteworthy that the site didn't crash from the massiveness of the demand.


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