TV Commercials


New Member
How much longer do you think advertisers are going to be using this method to reach customers? I don't think its nearly as effective as it once was, mostly due to Tivo and DVR. Do you think this is why internet marketing has become the big form of advertisement?
These days, I definitely use the computer more than I do the TV and I am sure a lot of other people do as well. Therefore, it makes sense that many advertisers are turning to the web rather than the TV. I see a lot of TV advertisements/commercials now publicising web sites on them. They are starting to move with the times.

Personally, I find TV advertisements annoying as they seem to appear about every 10 minutes or so. I tell you, the only good thing about TV advertisements are that they give me time to make a cup of tea. :)

Some forms of web marketing can be annoying - in particular, pop-ups and flashing banners everywhere.
I think that the TV commercials are every 5 minutes, or so it seems. Its sad when you watch a 30 minute program and half of that 30 minutes you spend watching commercials.
I agree with NVnone, TV commercials are now taking up most of the time of your watching period, and moreover many of them are so interesting that you just watch the commercial for almost no reason what so ever.
I’m also an advertiser but I never did advertise on TV commercials before. The cost of advertising on a TV commercial is what is turning me off to do this. Besides TV commercials aren’t going to help any web-based business.
Even though many have started using the internet, still most of the people do not know how to use internet. Women plays a major role in this. They watch tv most of the time. So only if the sales people can attract the ladies, they can sell their products. So for sure, TV advertisement will prove effective for atleast another decade.
I agree that internet advertising is proving to be more successful. In this method, you can easily target your users. Now people dont pay heed to tv commercials as before.
TV commercials are still very popular and they definitely bring in loads of customers. These days, companies are roping in celebrities to promote their products and has influenced the common man to a great extent.
tv commercials are still needed. we can never say that it is not anymore needed. let us remember that some people does not have access to internet. so tv commercials are still very useful.
I don't think TV commercials aren't effective. Infact they are more effective than they ever were. Only issue is that horizons of marketing has expanded from TV and Newspaper to Internet and Cellphones.
TV commercials are effective in the sense they keep us updated with the latest and best stuff around. There is so much of development in most of the spheres so it is good to move along.
TV commercials are effective in the sense they keep us updated with the latest and best stuff around. There is so much of development in most of the spheres so it is good to move along.

i agree. and people are used to getting informations about new stuffs on television. internet can not always give you the latest and updated products that you really need.


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