Sedo adds support for .ETH ethereum name trading


Domain name marketplace Sedo is now accepting .ETH domain names for buying and selling on its marketplace.

.ETH domain names are not part of the domain name system you use to send email and visit websites. It’s also not like the alt-root domain names that have popped up from time to time.

Yet they have a goal that’s similar to domain names — make addresses that would be long, incomprehensible strings easier to remember. For example, a user can use a .eth domain for a wallet address.

But .eth domain names are quite complicated. It’s a fairly new system that will change and evolve over time, so owners really need to know what they’re buying. For example, a dispute resolution process is likely to be introduced at some point.

And those high prices you’ve seen for .eth domain auctions, such as exchange.eth for $600,000? Here’s the thing; the buyer of that domain name can relinquish it after one year and get his money (ether) back.

There are a handful of .eth domains already listed on Sedo. Most of them are IDN domain names that mix scripts but look like names such as payments.eth and trading.eth.



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