Rick Latona Loves ccTLDs



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The man knows how to make money and he is starting to get into ccTLDs in a big way.

While he can afford to go into numerous different ccTLDs, I think smaller investors need to concentrate on two or three of them, which is what I'm doing.

My opinion is that .in is the top choice, and I would think most people would rate it as in the top 3 for English speakers.

Anyhow, here is what Rick says, in part:

Do a little bit of math which will open your mind. Look at how many .com name are registered then compare that number with the few hundred thousand .mx names that are registered. Isn’t it now reasonable to think that there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of more names worth registering down there? With a hundred million Mexicans predominately under the age of 30 I think the answer is obvious.

Yes, and while Mexico is in the hundred millions, India is in the billions :D
Nice article. I like the perspective of viewing a ccTLD as the ".com" for the country in question.
rick latona is the owner of digipawn.com if im not wrong! and his service proves how he makes his millions! i put my names to sell on digipawn and he didnt offer even $1 for any of those 1 word domains in exchange, so i left his site in the dust! he's getting lots of seriously good domains at cheap dust price and sells em for millions! i guess thats what digipawn.com 's actual motive is ;) so dont use digipawn.com to trash your good domains for cheap price unless you decided that you dont wanna be a millionaire by yourself! :p
Ya, rather spend time in learning the domaining industry yourself, find good buyers and work honestly! to make much more than what you could get at digipawn.com! i tried that and i can see how easily im making much more than what digipawn.com had to offer me! :rolleyes:

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Digipawn loans money with domains as collateral. It's not in the business of buying domains and only gets the domain if the borrower defaults.
i put my names to sell on digipawn and he didnt offer even $1 for any of those 1 word domains in exchange, so i left his site in the dust!

I don't think this is an accurate statement. As Jeff points out DigiPawn doesn't buy domains, but they loan money and your domains are used as collateral.

so dont use digipawn.com to trash your good domains for cheap price unless you decided that you dont wanna be a millionaire by yourself! :p

If you end up losing your domain to DigiPawn because you default on your payments, then that's the risk you take when you to enter into such an agreement.
you guys are mistaken, so you must join digipawn.com and see that there are 2 sections, under the "Application Form" area, the first is for "Pawn domains" and the second is for "Sell Domain" to digipawn.com i had tried "selling my domains" directly to digipawn.com and they didnt offer me even $1 for it.
if you still dont believe me, you can login into the site with my id and pass and see if there is option to sell the domain to digipawn.com or not! pm me for the id and pass!
this will only clear the confusion! and prove that digipawn not only pawns the domains but also buys them directly from the seller.

and i didnt lost any domain to digipawn because im smarter, i push my domain only when i get $$$ for each! hehehe!

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the second is for "Sell Domain" to digipawn.com i had tried "selling my domains" directly to digipawn.com and they didnt offer me even $1 for it.

Hi Abhishek, I double-checked DigiPawn's website. They don't buy domains directly from you, but offer a domain brokerage service instead:

Another Service offered by DigiPawn is domain brokerage. Listing a domain for sale on DigiPawn is absolutely FREE. We operate on a commission basis, so you are only charged if we successfully find a buyer for your domain. Once a buyer is found, DigiPawn?s commission fee is only 10% (some minimum commissions may apply), and this fee does not include additional DigiPawn services.

Anyhow, I wish you the very best with your domains sales whichever route you take! :)
I know that Rick is very selective about which domains he brokers (which probably makes a lot of sense).

I haven't seen him broker any .in domains. I've seen a few .co.uk, the odd .ca, and many Spanish .com.
i wouldnt say what their text says,
i submitted my domains on sales section and they said "SORRY WE'RE NOT INTERESTED!"

what does that mean? i have the e-mail proof also when my 1 word premium ccltd domains like match.vg and in.vc lists were rejected, if its free to list for sale then why dont they list my domain for sale and instead say "SORRY WE'RE NOT INTERESTED!"

you dont check the site's info pages, just login into digipawn.com with my id [removed] and pass:[removed] and list a domain for free with its price under the sell domains section and see if they reject your domain names or not like "WE'RE NOT INTERESTED!" even the buydomains and afternic didnt give me a similar reply!

even on the sell domains page its clearly written"We have cash on hand and we are here to help. Tell us as much information as you think that we need to know in order to accept your offer or make you a counter offer."
what do you think about that?

once you've used the site let me know so i'll change my pass again!
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their newsletters are also good..and as far as their decisions are concerned, they might be a little surprising..


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