Godaddy .com Domain for Rs 10.23 or $0.20
Get any available .com domain for
Rs 10.23 or $0.20 at Godaddy
-Add Domain to your cart..
-Make sure your transactional currency is in
INR(check in right-bottom side drop-down menu)
-Apply code
gofc7010d Total will come to Rs 10.23 Rs.
-Now if you proceed to checkout, A Javascript alert will tell you that It Can't process orders less than Rs 52.08 (Less Than $1)
-Change your transactional Currency to USD United State Dollers (from right-bottom side)
-Total will be changed to $1.17 (Rs 60)
-Proceed to check out..
-There it will ask you your credit card info etc, there again change transactional currency back to INR. Total again will be Rs 10.23, like 20 cents
Pay Rs 10.23 ( $0.20) and get your domain.
A screen shot of email I received is attached.

Dont sure if they will notice and delete my domain or will ask me more money, but shows that domain is on my name. Even GD a/c manager is also showing the domain in my a/c with status Active..