Ooa.in fmg.in eer.in doo.in 815.in 976.in 347.in 884.in ems.co.in



I have included a BIN Price. Sold names removed.

If the BIN price is to high for you, you can also give me a offer in a PM.
And i will let you know if i can accept your offer or not.

Those 2 NNN.IN have a special low price only $40 each
but this price available for 24 hours only. After this the
price will get higher.

Only selling since i need urgent som fast money. Usually
i would have asked for 2 to 4 times higher prices on these.

Names will be for sale for next 72 hours only "3 days".
After this i will close this thread.


Exp date: 07-May-2010
Registrar: PolarNames "Directi"
BIN Price $40 --->$38

Exp date: 04-Oct-2010
Registrar: Domainsite
BIN Price $40 --->$38

EER - Definition by AcronymFinder
EER meaning - Acronym Attic
Exp date: 2010-10-31
Registrar: Hexonet
BIN Price $70 --->$50

FMG.IN - Financial Markets Group
FMG - Definition by AcronymFinder
FMG meaning - Acronym Attic
Exp date: 11/11/2010
Registrar: Enom
BIN Price $70 --->$50


EMS.CO.IN - BIN Price $500 "Firm not selling for lower then this"
This name will be available for sale for only 96 hours/4 days.

Exp date: 02-Sep-2010
Registrar: PolarNames "Directi"
Traffic: Type In
Traffic is getting higher and higher for this name every month.

Stats last 31 days at NameDrive
1091 Visitors
78 Clicks
CTR 7.15%
Avg PPC $0.07
Revenue $5.60
Screen shot 1: http://www.startgt.com/ems1.jpg
Screen shot 2: http://www.startgt.com/ems2.jpg

Stats last 12 Months at NameDrive
6428 Visitors
722 Clicks
CTR 11.23%
Avg PPC $0.05
Revenue $36.99
Screen shot: http://www.startgt.com/ems3.jpg


Exp date: 07-Feb-2011
Registrar: Dynadot

Stats last 31 days at NameDrive
2229 Visitors
27 Clicks
CTR 1.21%
Avg PPC $0.04
Revenue $1.04
Screen shot 1: http://www.startgt.com/oym1.jpg
Screen shot 2: http://www.startgt.com/oym2.jpg

BIN Price $100


Exp date: 08-Feb-2011
Registrar: Dynadot
Traffic: Type In "Direct Traffic 100%"
Traffic getting higher every month.

Stats last 31 days at NameDrive
176 Visitors
41 Clicks
CTR 23.30%
Avg PPC $0.06
Revenue $2.47
Screen shot 1: http://www.startgt.com/eov1.jpg
Screen shot 2: http://www.startgt.com/eov2.jpg

BIN Price $150


If interested to buy any of these names send me a PM
and do the same if you want to give me a offer on a name.

Payment: Paypal, MoneyBookers
or if there is another way you want to pay ask me if i can accept that way.
Last edited by a moderator:


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