On-page SEO



As far as I know, this involves optimizing individual web pages so that they can rank higher, with the sole aim of gaining more relevant traffic to the site. How different is this to general SEO?
Since the goal is more specific, the aim has to be more specific. Like aiming for, and hitting, the bullseye on a dartboard. The effort needs to be tailored to what is on the page in question, which is going to be different from the whole site.
Page SEO is really getting down to the nitty gritty with keywords. Do your keyword research and see what hits are out there to be had. Then choosing which keywords will relinquish the most hits and gains to your particular business will be much narrowed.
Whenever I read about SEO, it kind of looks complicated, but straightforward at the same time. How different is this from off-page SEO and can they both achieve more or less same results?
Good article on Off-Site SEO If done properly it will help.

What is off-site SEO?
"Off-site SEO" (also called "off-page SEO") refers to actions taken outside of your own website to impact your rankings within search engine results pages (SERPs).

From what I've gathered from the article, off-page SEO is as equally important as its on-page counterpart. Every time this is mentioned, backlinks immediately come to mind. I think this is the most popular method. I would also vouch for social media marketing.
Yes, if done correctly off-page SEO and backlinks are important. Backlinks need to be quality backlinks meaning not paid backlinks from sites that are not relative to your site. Websites that sell backlinks will have backlinks to hundreds of websites that are not in the same niche as your site will actually hurt your SEO. Sites that sells backlinks cannot "hide" from Google and when Google finds them, they will punish the backlinks. It's the same results as past "keyword stuffing". That caused websites to drop like a rock from search results. Quality content and quality back links only!
Since Google is putting an emphasis on SSL/https certificates, will backlinks affect your ranking if that site doesn't use them? Basically, will it hurt me if I backlink to a site that doesn't use the extra security, even though I do. Will it hurt me if they backlink to me?
The fact of the matter is that most people seemingly pay more attention to the on-page SEO and give little attention to off-page SEO. For instance, people hardly realize the power that effective social marketing has.You raise a good point @Foroux. I am equally curious to know what measures Google takes against unused backlinks.
Since Google is putting an emphasis on SSL/https certificates, will backlinks affect your ranking if that site doesn't use them? Basically, will it hurt me if I backlink to a site that doesn't use the extra security, even though I do. Will it hurt me if they backlink to me?

I really doubt that will happen, though with Google one can never be sure of anything.

What matters more is if the site is relevant, and trusted.


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